Can’t Wait directory – Here you can find the addresses and accessibility information of the businesses who support the scheme. These businesses will allow Can’t Wait card holders to use their facilities when needed.


If you are in need of a Can’t Wait card

Can’t Wait cards have been distributed through SGDEN and trusted partners, which include, but are not limited to: South Glos Dementia Action Alliance, South Glos Disability Action Group, Shopmobility, South Glos Parents & Carers, and the Carers Support Centre.


If you would like to be involved in the scheme

We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to help out – whether it’s on the ground going into businesses and asking them to sign up to the scheme, putting on events, updating our directory of businesses involved, or promoting via the media – we’re keen to get local people on board, either short term or longer term.
If you would like to be a Can’t Wait volunteer please contact us at


Please check the Can’t Wait home page for a more detailed explanation of the scheme.


Other available toilets/schemes in the area (not affiliated with SGDEN):
Public toilets
Thornbury Community Toilet Scheme
Bladder and Bowel Community – Just Can’t Wait (app available for iPhones)
