Our website was created by a volunteer and we have a volunteer who creates our regular newsletters – we also have volunteers who help us out at events and of course our management committee is made up of volunteers.
Would you like to get involved? We are looking for volunteers who are able to share their time and skills with us – it may be you’re interested in organising an event, you may be a recruiter who could use your skills to help get other volunteers on board, or you may want to get involved with our social media or fundraising– we’re very open to ideas and very much want to be able to put your skills and experience to good use!
We are also looking for committee and enthusiastic Committee Members, particularly at the moment someone with a background in fundraising, who are able to use their professional experience and knowledge and/or experience of disabilities to help guide our organisation. We will be registering as a charity, so this position will at some point become that of a Trustee – to find out more about the responsibilities of being a Trustee, have a look at this excellent guide – The Essential Trustee. The role profile for this position is available here.
Get in touch with us to register your interest: contact (at) sgden (dot) org (dot) uk