It is often assumed that the interests of disabled people and their carers are the same. Although they are obviously closely linked they aren’t always the same.

Most obviously carers may be desperately in need of a break while the disabled person is reluctant to be left alone, or nervous about being cared for by someone they don’t know as well. But sometimes the concern can go the other way round, where a disabled young person is wanting to be independent but their parents are concerned about the risk they may run.

Support for Carers

Information about support for cares in South Gloucestershire can be found on the Council website

The main source of advice and information is the Carers Support Centre (Bristol and South Gloucestershire) You can also call them on their carers line 0117 965 2200.

Parents of disabled children have established their own support group to deal with the very particular issues they face

Some of the local groups we list in the directory of local groups may well be able to provide advice to carers from people who are in a similar position.
